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First Teacher Home Visiting Program

The First Teacher Home Visiting Program perfectly augments all other programs for children and families and provides free home-based services to families.  It offers training and support in such areas as parent-child interaction, parenting skills, and child development.  Families with children ages birth to five who may have a diagnosed disability or developmental delay or are just in need of extra support in the home are recipients of these home visiting services.  Services can also start prenatally.  The program currently serves over 70 families.

Program goals include the following:

  1. Children birth to five, and their families will be supported in having a more integrated lifestyle within their community.
  2. Families will feel less stressed when caring for their child(ren).
  3. Families of children 0 to 5 will increase knowledge of their child’s emerging development and of typical child development.
  4. Families will develop new skills in caring for their child, parenting practices, and parent-child relationships.
  5. Families will receive training in their defined roles and on topics related to parenting and family functioning.
  6. Services through the FTHVP program will be made available to communities in Jefferson, Blount, and Cullman Counties.

The program offers monthly group connections that include parent education and a parent-child activity for learning and networking.  We also conduct developmental and health screenings that are also conducted to increase the early detection of developmental and/or health issues.  Early literacy is encouraged through book sharing at every visit.

It is our belief that children’s parents are their first and most influential teacher and that all children will learn, grow, and develop to realize their full potential.  The early years of a child’s life are critical for optimal development and provide the foundation for success in school and life.

For more information about the First Teacher Home Visiting Program, contact Susan Conwell at (205) 944-3951 or email

    Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education

Woman with small boy
Group of teachers
Woman with small boy